S3 Database Dump Sync For Local Development

Author: Ally


A simple whiptail script to select which databases you want to refresh for local development work. Downloads using awscli and some pv for progress on decompressing and importing.

For better or worse, we download a backup of production database (mysqldump in a lambda, but that’s not important) and import it into our local development machine.

Using awscli for downloading the dump from the bucket.

Make sure you have whiptail and pv.

Set up profile as per awscli recommendations:


aws_access_key_id = YOUR_KEY
aws_secret_access_key = YOUR_SECRET
region = eu-west-1

The summary:


#!/usr/bin/env bash
# files downloaded from S3 go here

# databases available to us
DATABASES="$(whiptail \
  --title "Databases to sync" \
  --checklist \
  "Select the following databases you want locally to \be synced from $(date -d "yesterday 13:00" '+%d/%m/%Y') production database." \
  16 \
  48 \
  3 \
  "ac_crm" "ac_crm                  " OFF \
  "ac_mem" "ac_mem                  " OFF \
  "ac_aaa" "ac_aaa                  " OFF \
  3>&1 1>&2 2>&3

for db in $DATABASES; do
  # remove quotes from db name that whiptail sends
  db_name=$(echo $db | tr -d '"')
  # get yesterdays date for latest db backup
  yesterday=$(date -d "today 13:00" '+%Y-%m-%d')
  # download dump to specified folder
  aws s3 --profile=ac-app-production \
    cp \
    s3://$BUCKET_NAME/$db_name-$yesterday.sql.gz \
  # extract dump
  pv $OUT/$db_name.sql.gz \
    | gunzip \
      --keep \
      --force \
      --decompress \
      > $OUT/$db_name.sql
  # import dump
  pv $OUT/$db_name.sql \
    | mysql \
      --port=3396 \
      --host= \
      --user=root \
      --password=password \

A couple things to note using mysql on the machine for the import (this runs as a docker container):

pv $OUT/$db_name.sql \
  | docker exec \
    --interactive \
    ac_db \
    bash -c "mysql --user=root --password=password $db_name" \
    2> /dev/null
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